minimalist homeschooling

Use Pinterest for Homeschooling: 7 Steps to Avoid Overwhelm

Ah, Pinterest – a homeschoolers nightmare dressed as a dream.  There is a way for minimalist homeschoolers to use Pinterest for homeschooling, and still keep things simple, and avoid being overwhelmed.  Here is my guide to using Pinterest in your Homeschool.

Here’s the typical scenario:  You show up on Pinterest full of curiosity about what is available – maybe in general, or in a specific subject – and an hour (or two!) later you have pinned countless ideas.  Some of the ideas are gold, but a week (or month later), you can’t quite remember which ones.

But, worst of all, you have so many ideas, and the rabbit trail took you so far, that the idea of using the great ideas, and coordinating your schedule to accommodate the great ideas is just plain overwhelming.

It’s a new type of clutter, and you are well on your way to never digging yourself out from under it.

It doesn’t have to be that way.  There is a way to use Pinterest for homeschooling without cluttering up your mind or schedule.

Read More »Use Pinterest for Homeschooling: 7 Steps to Avoid Overwhelm

Intentional Homeschooling in 2019


Homeschooling with Intention: All the tools, tips, and strategies you need to create the homeschool you always imagined.  From the author of Minimalist Homeschooling. Let’s talk about how to do some really intentional homeschooling in 2019, shall we?

How would you complete this sentence:

I want our homeschool to be… ?

Have you ever wondered why your real-life homeschool is so different from the one you always imagined?

Do you ever feel swept-up in the current of homeschooling, and before you know it, another day is done?

Are you struggling with intentional homeschooling, distractions, juggling, balancing, and focusing on what is most important?


If you’re eager to create the homeschool you imagine – the homeschool that looks and feels the way you’d like – then let’s make 2019 your most intentional homeschool year ever, shall we?

Homeschooling with Intention - Create an intentional homeschool so you can homeschool the way you always imagined.  From the creator of the Minimalist Homeschooling Process, and Simple is the New Smart.  #MakeHomeschoolingSaneAgainHomeschooling with Intention - Create an intentional homeschool so you can homeschool the way you always imagined.  From the creator of the Minimalist Homeschooling Process, and Simple is the New Smart.  #MakeHomeschoolingSaneAgain


I really wish that I could explain intentional homeschooling in a quick blog post, but this is going to require some honesty, self-reflection, equipping, and strategizing.  So, I created a 4-day mini-course, in which you will create a strategy to start homeschooling the way that you have always wanted.

Homeschooling with Intention: How to create the homeschool that you have always imagined. From the author of Minimalist Homeschooling and Creator of the Minimalist Homeschooling Master Class Simple is the New Smart #makehomeschoolingsaneagain

Each day, you’ll receive a short video about intetional homeschooling, and worksheets to make it happen.  Plus, there’s in-course commenting, and an exclusive facebook group for plenty of support and accountability. 

Here are some of the things we’ll talk about:

  • how you may be approaching your homeschool backwards,
  • what works, and what doesn’t,
  • how to make a plan that is so easy to follow you can’t help but stay on track,
  • and how to stay focused amid all the distractions, temptations, and juggling.

And, since I want EVERYONE to be able to approach their homeschool with intention, I have priced it less than what you spend on a few cups of coffee.

Make sure that you sign-up soon, because we’re all going to take this journey together! Together, we can make homeschooling sane again ;).

Wishing you all the simple things,


Homeschooling with Intention: How to create an intentional homeschool, with all the the self-reflecting, strategizing and equipping.  From the creator of the Minimalist Homeschooling process.

Read More »Intentional Homeschooling in 2019

Gameschooling: The Best Educational Games: Inexpensive and compact. Minimalist Homeschooling with Zara PhD

Best Educational Games for $10 or Less – Minimalist Gift-Giving Guide

As someone who has recently purged my home (and schedule), the holidays present a unique challenge: How to give gifts that we truly love and need, without adding too much *stuff* to our space.  Perhaps even more stressful that choosing gifts for our own children, is giving extended family gift ideas for our children… am I right?  This is why I am offering our personal choices for the best education games that are small, and inexpensive.

Not just any games, either!  These are…

  • all different kinds of educational,

  • small enough that they won’t take-over your home,

  • and around $10, or less.

It’s the trifecta!

Therefore, this minimalist gift-giving guide for games is equally good for gift-buying, as gift-suggesting!  Great gifts for under $10, that every homeschooler will love, and that fit in small spaces!  Let’s get started!

Gameschooling: The Best Educational Games: Inexpensive and compact. Minimalist Homeschooling with Zara PhD

Plus, I’ve done my best to include games that are enjoyable for the parents, too!Read More »Best Educational Games for $10 or Less – Minimalist Gift-Giving Guide

Easy Homeschool Planning – Spiral Notebook Homeschool Schedule SIMPLIFIED

Spiral Notebook homeschool scheduling has been popular for a while.  Spiral notebook scheduling is the idea that parent-teachers should write out their child’s assignments for the next day on a single notebook page the night before.  However, I have found a few major drawbacks to this style of scheduling because I am all about EASY homeschool planning.  Here I will show you how I have remedied those downfalls and SIMPLIFIED my spiral notebooking homeschool schedule.  I also made it MORE USEFUL.  Let me show you:

First, my problems with spiral notebook homeschool scheduling:

Read More »Easy Homeschool Planning – Spiral Notebook Homeschool Schedule SIMPLIFIED

A Simple Minimal Homeschool Using Batching

So, you want a simple minimal homeschool, but you’re struggling with reconciling minimalist homeschooling with a rich homeschool because maybe…

You can listen to this post here:


  • some subjects just aren’t getting the attention you’d like them to get; or
  • you want to do more of the subjects that your child(ren) absolutely love; or
  • all of those cool ideas and projects don’t ever seem to get done; or
  • you procrastinate on, or dread some subjects because they require a lot of preparation and/or mess, or they are not your strength or favorite.

I have a solution for you…Read More »A Simple Minimal Homeschool Using Batching

Avoid Homeschool Burnout by Applying Minimalism to Homeschooling

Homeschool burnout.  It’s real.  And, if you are struggling, have struggled, or may struggle in the future with burnout, know that you are NOT alone.  Chances are you could grab the nearest homeschooling mom, spill your homeschool burnout woes, and she will commiserate.  If she doesn’t, buy her a coffee and find out all of her secrets immediately!

You can listen to this blog post here:


I have a few tricks for avoiding homeschool burnout that I have discovered over the years of struggling myself.  4 kids + 2 businesses = 1 mom?  I’m pretty sure that is not a balanced equation.  So, here are all of my secrets for maintaining my sense of peace as the earth continues to spin.Read More »Avoid Homeschool Burnout by Applying Minimalism to Homeschooling

Homeschool Musings – How to Guard Your Time

I have a lot of homeschool musings, but this is one I feel really strongly about:

Our time matters.

More specifically…

Your time matters.

You can listen to this blog post here:


I’m going to go on my soapbox for a bit here, but stick with me.  I think most of you will whole-heartedly agree and need the affirmation, and others just plain need to hear the brutal truth I feel compelled to say.

Plus, I’m going to give you 5 thoughts or reasons to protect your time.  So, please, hear me out.

Too often, moms are flippant about their time.  Way.  Too.  Often.Read More »Homeschool Musings – How to Guard Your Time