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Chronically Exhausted and Foggy? Adrenal Fatigue Basics

Everyone needs to know about adrenal fatigue – what exactly it is, and how to address it.  You may not even know that you need to know about it, but trust me, as you read you will come to see its importance.

Adrenal fatigue symptoms are rampant among ourselves and our friends, and especially among mothers.  I want to spread the word so that more people can support their adrenal glands and avoid the unhealthy state that so many of us are mislead to believe is “normal.”

You can listen to this post here:

Read More »Chronically Exhausted and Foggy? Adrenal Fatigue Basics

How Homeschool Mom Self-Care Accidentally Happened… and gave me a productive year.

Lots of blogs, podcasts, and conversations over coffee talk about homeschool mom self-care.  We know it’s important, but rarely is it a priority.  I’m the worst.  I spent years of my life researching the effects of chronic-stinkin’-stress, and how it LITERALLY rewires parts of the brain and changes behavior, and yet, I fall prey to chronic stress as much as everyone else.  Although, I’m getting better.

I want to talk about 2017, and what it taught me…

Normally, I’m a planner.  I’m a list-maker and checker-offer (apparently, I make-up words, too).  But, 2017 was totally the year that was NOT planned.Read More »How Homeschool Mom Self-Care Accidentally Happened… and gave me a productive year.

That one time when your mother was right: A good night’s rest is really important

Newsflash:  Your mother was right.  You do need your sleep.  It turns out that chronic sleep deprivation is really bad.  And it’s not just because your mother or your grandmother said so.  In case you don’t believe them, take it from scientists.

In a recent study published in Molecular Neurobiology, Read More »That one time when your mother was right: A good night’s rest is really important

Minimalist Homeschooling
Minimalist Homeschooling