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Homeschool Musings – How to Guard Your Time

I have a lot of homeschool musings, but this is one I feel really strongly about:

Our time matters.

More specifically…

Your time matters.

You can listen to this blog post here:


I’m going to go on my soapbox for a bit here, but stick with me.  I think most of you will whole-heartedly agree and need the affirmation, and others just plain need to hear the brutal truth I feel compelled to say.

Plus, I’m going to give you 5 thoughts or reasons to protect your time.  So, please, hear me out.

Too often, moms are flippant about their time.  Way.  Too.  Often.Read More »Homeschool Musings – How to Guard Your Time

Simplify Life – The Little House Litmus Test

Life can feel so overwhelming.  So busy.  Some days – most days – there is a never-ending to-do list and no light at the end of the tunnel.  We crave an easier existence, but don’t know how exactly to simplify life.

In comes Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder.  If you haven’t read the book recently, I suggest picking it up as a case study on how to simplify life.  Then use the Little House as a litmus test for your own life.

No time to go read a novel?

I hear ya.  That’s why you’re here!

So, I’ll give you the “Everything You Need to Know about Using the Little House Litmus Test to Simplify Life” article here.  Here are 7 ways to be more “Little House” in life:Read More »Simplify Life – The Little House Litmus Test

“Prioritize Homeschooling” – The Best Advice You Can Get

There is a lot of homeschooling advice out there.  Most of the advice boils down to one thing (and the rest of it benefits from this one thing):
Prioritize Homeschooling.


To prioritize homeschooling doesn’t just mean that you have to put homeschooling first  before other commitments (although that is an option), but also that you must prioritize WITHIN your homeschooling.

I have already written about why “life balance” is a complete sham. Do NOT buy into trying to “balance” everything. Do not drink that kool-aid.  I’m just going to come out and say it again (and again, and again): Balance is the road to overwhelm.  Instead…




If you want to make a big mark on your space, your schedule, your homeschool – in short, your life – this is the one piece of advice I would give you: Prioritize.

You have a limited amount of time.

You have a limited amount of space.

You have a limited amount of money.

You have a limited amount of energy (this is the one that is usually hardest for moms to accept).

Therefore, doing all the things, or having all the things IS NOT AN OPTION.Read More »“Prioritize Homeschooling” – The Best Advice You Can Get

Prevent Homeschool Overwhelm

7 Ways to Prevent Homeschool Overwhelm
That Every New Homeschooler Needs to Know

You’re busy, I’m busy, let’s get to the point. There are some very real ways to prevent homeschool overwhelm, and if you’re a new homeschooler, you need to know them.  If you’re a veteran homeschooler, consider this a friendly reminder.Read More »Prevent Homeschool Overwhelm

Life balance is a sham – How to stop trying to please everyone


Warning: What follows is a stream-of-consciousness rant about life balance that is important for all moms.

I saw a friend a couple weeks ago.  And before I get too far, I want to say that she’s a quality gal.  I love talking with her, and we have a lot of common plights in business ownership, homeschooling, and life.  She’s no whiner.

When I saw her, she was dragging, so I asked how she was doing.  With a huge sigh, she says: “I just need balance.  I am really praying for balance.”

How many times have you heard people (usually women, and almost always moms) craving “balance?”

Everyone.  All the time.Read More »Life balance is a sham – How to stop trying to please everyone

That one time when your mother was right: A good night’s rest is really important

Newsflash:  Your mother was right.  You do need your sleep.  It turns out that chronic sleep deprivation is really bad.  And it’s not just because your mother or your grandmother said so.  In case you don’t believe them, take it from scientists.

In a recent study published in Molecular Neurobiology, Read More »That one time when your mother was right: A good night’s rest is really important

Minimalist Homeschooling
Minimalist Homeschooling