There is a lot of homeschooling advice out there. Most of the advice boils down to one thing (and the rest of it benefits from this one thing):
Prioritize Homeschooling.
To prioritize homeschooling doesn’t just mean that you have to put homeschooling first before other commitments (although that is an option), but also that you must prioritize WITHIN your homeschooling.
I have already written about why “life balance” is a complete sham. Do NOT buy into trying to “balance” everything. Do not drink that kool-aid. I’m just going to come out and say it again (and again, and again): Balance is the road to overwhelm. Instead…
If you want to make a big mark on your space, your schedule, your homeschool – in short, your life – this is the one piece of advice I would give you: Prioritize.
You have a limited amount of time.
You have a limited amount of space.
You have a limited amount of money.
You have a limited amount of energy (this is the one that is usually hardest for moms to accept).