
Minimalist Homeschooling Kindergarten: Teach Everything with a Pencil, Notebook, Crayons & Library Card

What better place to start, than with minimalist homeschooling kindergarten?

The irony is that when people first begin homeschooling their little ones, they feel so much pressure to do it “right,” or to do it “all,” that minimalist homeschooling often doesn’t start until the later years.  In reality, the requirements in kindergarten are so straight-forward, that I highly recommend starting minimalist homeschooling with the youngest learners.

It takes a leap of faith, and a whole lot of confidence to minimally homeschool – to trust that simple works, and that simple is enough.

Why not start here?

If you are homeschooling multiple ages, and wondering how to convert to minimalist homeschooling, and take that leap of faith, perhaps changing how you school the youngest learners in your home will empower you to gradually simplify your approach with the older children as well.Read More »Minimalist Homeschooling Kindergarten: Teach Everything with a Pencil, Notebook, Crayons & Library Card

“Prioritize Homeschooling” – The Best Advice You Can Get

There is a lot of homeschooling advice out there.  Most of the advice boils down to one thing (and the rest of it benefits from this one thing):
Prioritize Homeschooling.


To prioritize homeschooling doesn’t just mean that you have to put homeschooling first  before other commitments (although that is an option), but also that you must prioritize WITHIN your homeschooling.

I have already written about why “life balance” is a complete sham. Do NOT buy into trying to “balance” everything. Do not drink that kool-aid.  I’m just going to come out and say it again (and again, and again): Balance is the road to overwhelm.  Instead…




If you want to make a big mark on your space, your schedule, your homeschool – in short, your life – this is the one piece of advice I would give you: Prioritize.

You have a limited amount of time.

You have a limited amount of space.

You have a limited amount of money.

You have a limited amount of energy (this is the one that is usually hardest for moms to accept).

Therefore, doing all the things, or having all the things IS NOT AN OPTION.Read More »“Prioritize Homeschooling” – The Best Advice You Can Get

Keep the House Clean – 3 Surprising Reasons Your Home is Still a Mess

3 Surprising Reasons for your Mess
and 3 Easy Ways to Remedy It

Have you ever wondered why your home doesn’t stay clean? Why no matter how long you spend tidying a space, your little army of clones manages to recreate a battle zone in 10 seconds? Exactly how is it people can KEEP the house clean???

Keeping the house clean is potentially a problem for 3 reasons that you probably have not considered yet… It’s time to finally reclaim your home.Read More »Keep the House Clean – 3 Surprising Reasons Your Home is Still a Mess

Prevent Homeschool Overwhelm

7 Ways to Prevent Homeschool Overwhelm
That Every New Homeschooler Needs to Know

You’re busy, I’m busy, let’s get to the point. There are some very real ways to prevent homeschool overwhelm, and if you’re a new homeschooler, you need to know them.  If you’re a veteran homeschooler, consider this a friendly reminder.Read More »Prevent Homeschool Overwhelm

“Do What You Love”… because minimalist homeschooling is so much more than purging books. How to Love Homeschooling.

Do What You Love…
because minimalist homeschooling is
so much more than purging books.

We all want to love homeschooling, and the first mindset hack in the book Minimalist Homeschooling is: Do what you love; use what you love.

You can listen to this post here:


This isn’t named first because it is novel (hello there, cliché), nor because it is especially profound advice.  “Do what you love” is named first because it is the basis of the minimalist mindset.

Minimalism has become synonymous with purging, decluttering, simplifying, and non-consumerism.  However, it is really important to me that we are clear: the purging and simplifying are the means to the end.  In reality, the whole point of minimalism is to fill your space with those things that are most valuable – either because they are truly necessary, or because they are truly loved.

Minimalists want to fill their space with only the most important things.  In order to do so, they purge and declutter.  In the process their space (and routines) are simplified, and they cease to buy so many things.  Minimalists live with less because they have the perfect amount of what they love and need.

We must be careful to understand therefore, that the rule of minimalism is NOT simply “Live with less,” but rather “Live with the perfect amount of what you need and love.”  It just so happensRead More »“Do What You Love”… because minimalist homeschooling is so much more than purging books. How to Love Homeschooling.

Life balance is a sham – How to stop trying to please everyone


Warning: What follows is a stream-of-consciousness rant about life balance that is important for all moms.

I saw a friend a couple weeks ago.  And before I get too far, I want to say that she’s a quality gal.  I love talking with her, and we have a lot of common plights in business ownership, homeschooling, and life.  She’s no whiner.

When I saw her, she was dragging, so I asked how she was doing.  With a huge sigh, she says: “I just need balance.  I am really praying for balance.”

How many times have you heard people (usually women, and almost always moms) craving “balance?”

Everyone.  All the time.Read More »Life balance is a sham – How to stop trying to please everyone