Homeschool Musings – Fun Exercise to Focus Your Time
This is Part 1 of my two-part homeschool musings on time. In the book, Minimalist Homeschooling, a lot of words are devoted to decluttering homeschooling schedules. One of the hacks from this section is:
Minimalist Homeschooling Mindset Hack #16: How we choose to spend our time matters to ourselves and to those around us.
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I would edit this to say “How we spend our time matters, perhaps more than anything else to ourselves and to those around us.”
This is because we have a job to do. Whether you believe in a higher purpose for your life or not, the fact is, we all have a job to do. In fact, we all have several jobs to do that all require our attention, dedication, and yes, TIME.
I wrote job descriptions and detailed duties and responsibilities for each of my jobs.
My kids did, too.
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