
Minimalist Homeschool Kindergarten & First Grade Curriculum

Welcome to homeschooling!  Many homeschoolers are eager to get started, until they try to get started.  Ha!  There are sooooo many resources out there for our little ones that it can be exciting, terrifying, overwhelming, and appealing all at once!  Not too mention exhausting, time-consuming, expensive…  Today, let’s cut through the clutter a bit.  Here are my favorite simple yet effective resources for our minimalist homeschool kindergarten & first grade!

**If you see something in bold, that is a link for your convenience 🙂 **

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Christian Minimalist Homeschooling – Biblical Support for Simple Homeschooling

The wonderful thing about Minimalist Homeschooling is that it is no different in principle whether you are Christian Minimalist Homeschooling, or Secular Minimalist Homeschooling.  Since minimalist homeschooling is all about doing what is of most value, religious families can watch their faith thrive in a minimalist homeschool.

First, did you know that minimalist homeschooling NOT about owning the fewest supplies, or using the fewest books?  Minimalism is actually more about the value we have in our lives, rather than the possessions.

Read More »Christian Minimalist Homeschooling – Biblical Support for Simple Homeschooling