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Zara Fagen

A Simple Minimal Homeschool Using Batching

So, you want a simple minimal homeschool, but you’re struggling with reconciling minimalist homeschooling with a rich homeschool because maybe…

You can listen to this post here:


  • some subjects just aren’t getting the attention you’d like them to get; or
  • you want to do more of the subjects that your child(ren) absolutely love; or
  • all of those cool ideas and projects don’t ever seem to get done; or
  • you procrastinate on, or dread some subjects because they require a lot of preparation and/or mess, or they are not your strength or favorite.

I have a solution for you…Read More »A Simple Minimal Homeschool Using Batching

Avoid Homeschool Burnout by Applying Minimalism to Homeschooling

Homeschool burnout.  It’s real.  And, if you are struggling, have struggled, or may struggle in the future with burnout, know that you are NOT alone.  Chances are you could grab the nearest homeschooling mom, spill your homeschool burnout woes, and she will commiserate.  If she doesn’t, buy her a coffee and find out all of her secrets immediately!

You can listen to this blog post here:


I have a few tricks for avoiding homeschool burnout that I have discovered over the years of struggling myself.  4 kids + 2 businesses = 1 mom?  I’m pretty sure that is not a balanced equation.  So, here are all of my secrets for maintaining my sense of peace as the earth continues to spin.Read More »Avoid Homeschool Burnout by Applying Minimalism to Homeschooling

Homeschool Musings – How to Guard Your Time

I have a lot of homeschool musings, but this is one I feel really strongly about:

Our time matters.

More specifically…

Your time matters.

You can listen to this blog post here:


I’m going to go on my soapbox for a bit here, but stick with me.  I think most of you will whole-heartedly agree and need the affirmation, and others just plain need to hear the brutal truth I feel compelled to say.

Plus, I’m going to give you 5 thoughts or reasons to protect your time.  So, please, hear me out.

Too often, moms are flippant about their time.  Way.  Too.  Often.Read More »Homeschool Musings – How to Guard Your Time

Homeschool Planning: How we do our most important things with multiple ages (right now)

You can listen to this blog post here


I have people asking how our minimalist homeschooling schedule looks, and I’ll be honest, I’m just not a big fan of publishing our schedule.  Why?  Well, because it would be our schedule… not the schedule.  I fear that people would look at it and think “that’s the minimalist homeschooling schedule.”  You know?  So, I would much rather provide lots of insight into minimalist homeschool planning than give a schedule that likely won’t work for many people.

As my husband put it, I’m more about encouraging people to rethink how they do things than telling them how to do it.  So, with that in mind, take a look at my notes, and see if anything I do makes you rethink your homeschool planning… but, I’m not telling you how to do it :).Read More »Homeschool Planning: How we do our most important things with multiple ages (right now)

Homeschool Musings – Fun Exercise to Focus Your Time

This is Part 1 of my two-part homeschool musings on time.  In the book, Minimalist Homeschooling, a lot of words are devoted to decluttering homeschooling schedules.  One of the hacks from this section is:

 Minimalist Homeschooling Mindset Hack #16: How we choose to spend our time matters to ourselves and to those around us.

You can listen to this blog post:


Must-read for focusing yoru time in homeschool and life. Pin it, try it. So helpful! Minimalist Homeschool musings.


I would edit this to say “How we spend our time matters, perhaps more than anything else to ourselves and to those around us.”

This is because we have a job to do.  Whether you believe in a higher purpose for your life or not, the fact is, we all have a job to do.  In fact, we all have several jobs to do that all require our attention, dedication, and yes, TIME.

I wrote job descriptions and detailed duties and responsibilities for each of my jobs.

My kids did, too.

Read More »Homeschool Musings – Fun Exercise to Focus Your Time

State Education Standards & Grade-Level Goals

The 15th Minimalist Homeschooling Mindset Hack in the book is: Goals highlight what is truly necessary.  Since minimalist homeschooling relies on doing only that which is truly necessary or loved, it stands to reason that we have to decide what is truly necessary???  While the book walks you through establishing your own values and priorities to direct your goals, sometimes state education standards provide a good starting point for identifying our immediate goals.

Honestly, when I began homeschooling, state education standards were the most straightforward way to assess:

1) What my children could be learning, and

2) whether I was “missing” anything important.

Read More »State Education Standards & Grade-Level Goals

One Trick for a Simple and Minimal Homeschool Schedule

I know homeschooling folks are busy, busy, busy.  So, you can listen to the following blog post using this media file.  My hope is that you can listen while you’re taking a quick break with a cup of tea, or a glass of wine, or even while you’re washing dishes.  If I mention a link, you’ll find it in the written post below.   Wishing you a simple and minimal homeschool schedule!


Hi there.  I bet you’re here because you struggle with finding a schedule that works for you.  Maybe you have a schedule, but you can’t seem to follow it, or stick with it.  Or, you’re wondering if you’re doing enough, or too much?  Maybe you’re wondering if the subjects chosen for your 4th grader will meet the general 4th grade standards out there in the world?  You think that if you can just see someone else’s simple and minimal homeschool schedule, it will answer all your questions, and eliminate all doubt.

It won’t.

Read More »One Trick for a Simple and Minimal Homeschool Schedule

Menstrual Cramps Relieved by Essential Oils: Natural Remedy for PMS

Instead of reaching for an over the counter pain reliever the next time menstrual cramps set in, consider using pain relief that nature created: essential oils.  It turns out that menstrual cramps relieved by essential oils.

Here we go folks!  I’m pretty excited about this one.  You may not know this, but I am a science geek at heart (and by training) and halfway to hippie by nature.  I love reviewing the scientific evidence for (or against) natural remedies.  So, let’s go!Read More »Menstrual Cramps Relieved by Essential Oils: Natural Remedy for PMS

How Homeschool Mom Self-Care Accidentally Happened… and gave me a productive year.

Lots of blogs, podcasts, and conversations over coffee talk about homeschool mom self-care.  We know it’s important, but rarely is it a priority.  I’m the worst.  I spent years of my life researching the effects of chronic-stinkin’-stress, and how it LITERALLY rewires parts of the brain and changes behavior, and yet, I fall prey to chronic stress as much as everyone else.  Although, I’m getting better.

I want to talk about 2017, and what it taught me…

Normally, I’m a planner.  I’m a list-maker and checker-offer (apparently, I make-up words, too).  But, 2017 was totally the year that was NOT planned.Read More »How Homeschool Mom Self-Care Accidentally Happened… and gave me a productive year.

Minimalist Homeschooling
Minimalist Homeschooling